How DIFAD Started

A Word From Our Founder

DIFAD was inspired by a combination of different experiences I was privileged to have in the past couple of years. I was able to connect with my long-lost desires I’d always kept close to my heart, but didn't incorporate into my life as I had wished like dancing and fashion. I found I wasn't the only one that had drifted away from passions that I deeply enjoyed as I spoke about my thoughts with friends, family, colleagues and even mentors.

In recent years, I’ve proven to myself that there’s so much more in reach than I ever thought possible, and it’s been a blast having experiences I’d only dreamed of. I knew I had to find a way to share with others so they could incorporate these adventures and activities into their own lives. I knew it was worth sharing my story to encourage others to pursue their passions. Along the way of sharing my story, i've heard stories from others which have inspired me further to make this happen.

I want to help others have a beautiful NYC experience that reignites their passions and fulfills unmet desires, to do something FUN they thought they’d missed out on getting to do. What I want to emphasize is you can still do it, it's not too late.

Community Involvement

Luminary Membership

1204 Broadway
New York, NY 10001
(646) 876 - 8680

Women of Culture NYC
Art-Full Ambassador and Premier

Anima Collective
NYC Community Growth Coordinator

Come Listen and Be Inspired

Real People. Real Stories.

We spent sometime in our incredible NYC community asking others what passions they are pursuing or want to pursue. It was amazing to hear their stories, and we wanted to share them with you in hopes that they will inspire you to take the next step towards realizing your passion. DIFAD is here to help when your ready to pursue your dreams!