Meet the Team


After some life-changing experiences, I decided that I could still pursue passions and dreams I had put to the side without changing my life's course or overwhelming my schedule. This realization went beyond fulfilling my own aspirations, it inspired me to make a commitment to help you live out your own unmet dreams and desires. I want to remind you that it's not too late to explore what truly moves you.  Helping others is a profound passion of mine and my purpose is to use my expertise and personal experiences to help you overcome any obstacles that may have and are hindering you from pursuing your own unique passions. My desire is rooted in the belief that there's nothing quite like the depth of human connection and empowerment we all gain from supporting one another to live more fulfilled lives. Oh and you must know, I approach life with humor, smiles and laughter, so I hope you’re ready to have an amazing time together! 

Fearless Founder of DIFAD & Experiences Mastermind


Social Media Guru & Reels Extraordinaire

While I’m super passionate about marketing and social media, there’s so much more than that connecting me to this business and the desire to help you find your passions through dance or other experiences we offer. This is going to be fun!! Oh, and I also have a dance background, having done classical ballet for 10 years. Now you can find me spending time enjoying barre classes or working towards some kind of insane dance or movement challenge.


Mostly importantly, I love people. I focus most of my people loving efforts towards my husband and four kids, who I think are pretty incredible and so much fun! I also love anything creative. So, when one of my favorite people, Cristiane, invited me to go on this creative journey with her, I was pumped! I love all the ways I’ve gotten to contribute to DIFAD beyond the website, too! It’s been such a joy to be part of making her dream a reality, which is what we hope to do for all of you! And I’m also a huge fan of learning random and helpful skills, so it’s truly a pleasure to serve you all in this way.

Website Wizard & Creative Comrade

Dancing Queen & Choreography Connoisseur


As a New York Native, who’s worked on and off Broadway in universities, various schools, as well as toured Japan with my original work, I am passionate about NYC and dance! After being sick and unable to dance, or really move, for two years, I have a new found appreciation for the gift of dance and helping others feel the same joy. That’s why I’m so excited to be part of the DIFAD team as their lead choreographer! When I’m not dancing, you’ll find me at THE WELLNESS BODEGA, coaching people to find their purpose and happiness, as well as helping them set goals.

NYC Professional Makeup and Hair Stylists


